Who we help

Where it’s most needed

We work in partnership with organisations across the Stirling and Falkirk Council areas to ensure that the charity's limited grant funds are targeted where they are most needed and can be most effective. Individual grants from forthgiving generally have a maximum value of £250 to £300, and are awarded solely at the discretion of the organisation's Board of Trustees. Our current priority is to support:

  • Individuals who find themselves in a situation of crisis
  • Organisations supporting disadvantaged members of the community

Fighting Poverty

Individual grants are given to meet a pressing social or educational need or disability and all are based on the written recommendation of a carer, social worker or professional referee.

Click here for the application form.
The charity does not give grants for:
  • Medical treatment or medical research
  • Deficit funding or repayment of loans
  • Retrospective funding
  • Projects unable to start within 12 months
  • Distribution to third party organisations
  • General appeals and endowment funds
  • The relief of statutory responsibilities

Meeting your needs

Individuals apply to the charity to meet a very wide range of needs. Your application will be more likely to succeed if it clearly states:

  • Details of the crisis
  • Costs of any items required
  • Sum requested
  • Signature of person supporting the application

Keep in mind

If you are endorsing an application it would be helpful if you considered the following questions:

  • Is there evidence of financial need?
  • Would receiving the grant make a significant difference to the applicants’s life?
  • Does the applicant have access to another income stream?
  • Does the application conform to the charity’s agreed principles and grant guidelines?

For Groups and organisations

For groups and organisations, special importance will be placed on projects that benefit communities impoverished by social or educational need.

Click here for the application form.